Business Intelligence (BI) Microsoft Power BI

Business Intelligence (BI) Microsoft Power BI ermöglicht es Ihnen, schnell fundierter Entscheidungen zu treffen, indem Sie Daten analysieren.

Business Intelligence (BI) Microsoft Power BI enables you to quickly make more informed decisions by analyzing data. The data is presented with attractive visual reports that you can edit, publish and share together. With Power BI for business analysis, you visualize data and get clear insights that you can classify. A complete picture helps you make the right decisions.

The road to data-driven business is not easy for everyone. The amount of data that becomes available is enormous and it depends on your role in the organization which information is relevant to you.
Due to a lack of structure and innovative strength, many companies quickly get
stuck. We are happy to help your organization simplify management and share huge amounts of data.

Big Data SQL comparison

Ein Online-Anbieter hat im vergangenen Jahr an 100.000 Kunden weltweit Pakete  geschickt. Er nutzt verschiedene Dienste wie Express, Same-day und Economy. Er möchte verschiedene Anbieter miteinander vergleichen und auswerten, aber leider stimmen z.B. die Preiszonen in den verschiedenen Ländern nicht überein. Und um die Sache noch zu verschlimmern, die Preisstruktur mit die typische Zuschläge ist so komplex, dass ein einfacher Vergleich auf Sendungsebene schwierig umzusetzen ist. Eine Lösung in Microsoft Excel ist leider fast nicht möglich oder vorhanden. Es gibt einfach zu viele Unterschiede zwischen die Angebote der Dienstleister.

An online provider sent packages to 100,000 customers globally last year. He uses various services such as Express, Same-day and Economy. He would like to compare different parcel providers, but unfortunately the price zones in the different countries do not match at all. And to make matters even worse, the pricing structure with surcharges is so complex that a simple shipment comparison is difficult or impossible to make. A solution in Microsoft Excel is unfortunately not possible. There are too many differences in the commercial offers.

We have the solution for you! Through a MS ACCESS database specially developed by us and an SQL application, we can import all your shipments and compare them with different providers. You will get a real comparison based on your own shipment data. After that you can safely make a choice based on actual figures without the risk of wrong numbers.

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